그림 모음방

추수하는 그림들

모링가연구가 2009. 2. 26. 07:52

추수하는 그림들

▲ 추수하는 사람들(The Harvesters), Pastel on paper, 21 5/8 x 16 7/8 inches (55 x 43 cm), Private collection


▲ 추수(Harvest), 77.04 cm (30.33 in.) x 99.06 cm (39 in.), pastel on paper, laid down on canvas, Private collection


▲ 몽생페어의 추수하는 사람들(Moissonneurs a Mont-Saint-Pere), Oil on canvas, 30 1/8 x 38 1/4 inches (76.8 x 97.2 cm), Private collection

▲ 벼베기 위해 잠을 깨는 중(Le Reveil du Faucheur), Oil on canvas, 1899, 30 5/8 x 39 3/4 inches(78.1 x 101 cm), Private collection

▲ 건초 만드는 사람들(Haymakers), Oil on canvas, Private collection

▲ 이삭줍는 사람들(The Gleaners), Oil on canvas, 1901, Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross

▲ 건초를 만드는 사람들(이삭줍는 사람들, Haymakers), Pastel on paper, 17 1/2 x 13 3/4 inches (44.5 x 35 cm), Private collection

▲ 가족(La Famille), Oil on canvas, 1908, 100 7/8 x 137 inches (256.5 x 348 cm), Private collection