국보, 유물방

벤자민 웨스트Benjamin West (1738-1820)

모링가연구가 2008. 6. 4. 10:22
벤자민 웨스트Benjamin West (1738-1820)


The Death of Wolfe
[울프 장군의 죽음]The Death of Wolfe

The Death of Wolfe (detail)

Death on a Pale Horse
Death on a Pale Horse

King Lear
King Lear

Left Panel of a Triptych Central Panel of a Triptych Right Panel of a Triptych
study for a window at St. Paul's Church, Birmingham, Left, Center,Right

The Three Sisters

The Battle of La Hogue

Colonel Guy Johnson

Orestes Brought as Victims to Iphigenia (detail)"


The Graces unveiling Nature

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