Douglas Hofmann
Self Portrait
Douglas Hofmann
The paintings of Douglas Hofmann have been critically acclaimed for their glowing surfaces, detail and softly lighted forms. Hofmann expertly combines his own methods of painting with the techniques of the old masters which he learned from Joseph Sheppard at the Maryland Institute College of Art, where he received his bachelor of fine arts degree. The beautiful aura of light and atmosphere found in great Baroque paintings pervades the works of Hofmann. He gives meticulous attention to detail, and creates harmonious compositions with superbly balanced colors and shapes.
Hofmann was born in Baltimore Maryland in 1945. He has received numerous awards for his works, including first prize at the Peale Museum in Baltimore, 1970; "Best Paintings in the Traditional Manner," at the Baltimore Museum, 1971, "Best in Show" at the Washington County Museum, Hagerstown, Md., 1972; "Best in Show," at the Center Club in Baltimore, 1973 and 1978. In 1988 he was awarded a Certificate of Merit for his painting "The Secret" by the Salmagundi Club at its Eleventh Annual Non�embers Juried Exhibition.
Hofmann's works have been exhibited in numerous group and one-man shows at prestigious galleries and museums, in every major city in U.S.A. and Japan.